The photo size for SSC CHSL 2024 is 20 KB - 50 KB and signature size is 10 KB - 20 KB. The image dimension for SSC CHSL photo is 4.5 CM height × 3.5 CM width and signature is 2 CM height × 4 CM width.
In this article we will discuss the size, dimensions, format, uploading rule, how to resize photos and signatures for SSC CHSL application 2024.
Photo size, dimension, format for SSC CHSL application 2024:-
- Type:- Scanned passport size photograph
- Dimension:- 4.5 CM height × 3.5 CM width
- Pixel:- 531 px height × 413 px width
- Resolution:- 300 DPI
- Size:- 20 KB - 50 KB
- Format:- JPEG/JPG
Signature size, dimension, format for SSC CHSL application 2024:-
- Type:- Scanned image of signature
- Dimension:- 2 CM height × 4 CM width.
- Pixel:- 157 px height × 315 px width
- Size:- 10 KB - 20 KB
- Resolution:- 200 DPI
- Format:- JPEG/JPG
Rules for photo uploading in SSC CHSL application 2024:-
- Candidates should upload recently scanned passport size photographs.
- Photo should not be more than three months old from the date of publication of the SSC CHSL application.
- The photo must be without spectacle and cap.
- The frontal view of the candidate's face should be clearly visible.
- Blurred photographs will be rejected.
Rules for signature uploading in SSC CHSL application 2024
- Applications with blurred signatures will be rejected.
- Signature must be contained with full name and surname.
- Signature should be in the long hand.
How to resize photos for SSC CHSL online application?
- Visit
- Click on select image.
- Select your photo from the mobile gallery.
- Press on the lock icon to unlock and select centimetres from the drop down menu.
- Put 3.5 CM in the width box and 4.5 CM in the height box.
- Set resolution as 300 DPI.
- Click on resize image.
- Press on download image.
- Now upload and use your photo for an online application.
How to resize signature for SSC CHSL online application?
- Visit
- Click on select image.
- Select your signature image from the mobile gallery.
- Press on the lock icon to unlock and select centimetres from the drop down menu.
- Put 4 CM in the width box and 2 CM in the height box.
- Set resolution as 200 DPI.
- Click on resize image.
- Press on download image.
- Now upload and use your signature for an online application.
Frequently asked questions
What is the pixel size of SSC CHSL photo and signature?
Required pixel size for SSC CHSL photo is 531 px height × 413 px width in 300 DPI and signature is 157 px height × 315 px width in 200 DPI.
Is passport size photo required for SSC CHSL?
Yes, passport size photo is required for SSC CHSL online application. Dimension of the photo for SSC CHSL is 4.5 CM height × 3.5 CM width.
Can I use old photos in SSC CHSL?
As per the official notification you cannot use old photos in SSC CHSL applications. Photos should not be old more than 3 months from the release date of SSC CHSL notification.
Are tattoos allowed in SSC CHSL?
There is no problem with tattoos in SSC CHSL recruitment. Candidates with permanent tattoos are allowed.
Can we change photos and signatures in SSC CHSL applications?
Yes, you can change photos and signatures in SSC CHSL applications if SSC authorities provide a correction window for SSC CHSL applications.
Is SSC CHSL signature black or blue?
You can use either Black or blue colour pen for signature in SSC CHSL application. There is no such condition in official notification of SSC CHSL for signature colour.
Read more:-
1) How to solve Kolkata police constable photo and signature upload problem?
2) SSC CHSL Recruitment 2024 For 3712 LDC, JSA, DEO Posts
Final words:-
If you're facing problems regarding SSC CHSL photo and signature size, you can use as an online size converter. I hope your problem will be solved.
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